20160921121933_img_3746light-sweet-cam-ang-5There are no rules to eating gigantic bowls of nourishing food however to make these giant bowls of goodness I strongly suggest following this guide!

Anatomy of building your very own Buddha Bowl
  1. Choose a special bowl.
  2. Start with a base (lettuce/spinach/swiss chard/ or soba noodles)
  3. Add a variety of veggies (whatever you have on hand)
  4. Next, Add your protein (eggs, quinoa, chicken, seafood, beans, tofu)
  5. Now it’s time for your more complex carbs (corn, brown rice, sweet potato, peas, buckwheat)
  6. Add some sweetness! (apples, blueberries, strawberries, peaches, mango, or any berries)
  7. How about some crunch! (roasted chickpeas, chia seeds, nuts, seeds)
  8. & Last but not least your favourite creamy dressing or sauce of choice (hummus, tahini, avocado, thai sauce) & fresh herbs.
  9. Eat mindfully enjoying all the flavors and textures.
  10. Enjoy the good vibes from a happy belly.



Oh Black Forbidden Rice, where on earth have you been my whole life??? It’s crazy when you discover a certain gem like this one and wonder why you ate boring old white sticky rice for all those years. Black rice, being complete opposite of white rice (not just because of its obvious colour!) but because it is super packed (and I mean PACKED) with antioxidants. In fact, a study from the American Chemical Society found that a spoonful of black rice contains more antioxidants than a spoonful of blueberries. Just top this superfood with any veggies of your desire, and homemade tahini dressing and take it home for the win!

20160921082423_img_3610light-sweet-cam-ang-5 I usually make some sort of “Buddha Bowl” at least once a week as I am constantly food prepping for breakfast, lunch and dinner so I always have extra cut veggies, beans and usually a protein or two in the fridge to throw on top of a salad or some grains as soon as its time to eat everyday.

20160921100320_img_3677light-sweet-cam-ang-5   20160921122103_img_3757light-sweet-cam-ang-5  Buddha bowls recipes are similar to macrobiotic aka macro bowls in that they incorporate the eating principles of Chinese and Japanese medicine and include raw or roasted veggies, beans, a whole grain, like brown rice, farro or quinoa, and sometimes fish, with every meal. This way of eating is thought to be “ideal” for reducing toxins in the body and lowering your risk of chronic diseases.20160921122418_img_3782light-sweet-cam-ang-5


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